
How do I get albums out of compilations in iTunes?

How do I get albums out of compilations in iTunes?

To do this globally, simply open your Music Library in iTunes, select “Select All” from iTunes “Edit” menu, and then choose “Get Info” from the “File” menu. Then, check the box next to the “Part of a compilation” area, which should display “No” by default. Make sure you haven’t checked anything else, then click “OK.”

Does iTunes support the artist?

Content providers, artists, and artist management teams can upload artist images via iTunes Connect or Apple Music for Artists. To upload an image for an artist in iTunes Connect, you must meet these qualifications: Music must be available on Apple Music and on the iTunes Store.

How do I find compilations in iTunes?

In your iTunes Media (on iTunes Music) -> Music folder, you’ll find a folder named Compilations with all of albums tagged as such.

Is there a problem with compilation albums on iTunes?

The problem I have is that some compilation albums show under Various Artists in the A-Z part rather than under the compilations sub-heading. rockmyplimsoul wrote: In any case, check your iTunes settings under “View/ Column Browser/ Group Compilations” and “(same)/Use Album Artists”.

Where do I Find my compilations on iTunes?

These albums are in the compilations folder in the /iTunes Media/Music folder. The majority of these do show correctly but some are showing under Various Artists rather than in the bottom compilations section.

Can a compilation album be listed as various artists?

All the albums have album artist = “Various Artists” and the “album is a compilation” checkbox is checked and yet some are in the right place and some are not. I’ve even have a double album where disc 1 is correctly showing under compilations and disc 2 is incorrectly showing under various artists.

Where do the various artists go on iTunes?

The majority of these do show correctly but some are showing under Various Artists rather than in the bottom compilations section. In any case, check your iTunes settings under “View/ Column Browser/ Group Compilations” and “(same)/Use Album Artists”. Maybe alter those settings to see if that changes things to your liking.