
Dove fare lo IELTS in Italia?

Dove fare lo IELTS in Italia?

L’esame IELTS (International English Language Testing System) è un esame ufficiale che certifica le competenze linguistiche e la padronanza dei candidati in lingua inglese….Dove sostenere l’esame a Roma.

CENTRO International House Roma
INDIRIZZO Viale Manzoni 22 00185 Roma
TEL 06 70 47 68 94
MAIL [email protected]

Quanto costa fare l’esame IELTS?

234 euro
ESAME IELTS: PREZZI E COSTI Il prezzo dell’esame IELTS, sia dell’IELTS Academic che dell’IELTS General Training, al momento in cui scriviamo è di 234 euro.

Quando si può fare l’esame IELTS?

Sede: Royal Hotel Carlton, Via Montebello, 8, 40121 Bologna, 40121

Data del esame Test detail
Data del esame 11/09/2021 Test detail IELTS Academic Paper-based
Data del esame 23/10/2021 Test detail IELTS Academic Paper-based
Data del esame 23/10/2021 Test detail IELTS General Training Paper-based

Chi emette l IELTS?

È ufficialmente riconosciuto in Regno Unito, Australia, Canada, Irlanda, Sudafrica, Nuova Zelanda e Stati Uniti come verifica linguistica per l’ammissione ai corsi universitari o per l’immigrazione. In Italia è gestito da IDP Education e dal British Council.

How to register for the IELTS Speaking test?

Welcome to the IELTS registration site. There are three stages to booking your IELTS test: Check the availability and select your test date (you will need to select a separate test date for your Speaking test). Create an account with the British Council. Book and pay.

Where can I get English Certificate in Milan?

Academic IELTS (general English), BEC Vantage, BEC Higher (business English), CAE and First Certificate. It is possible to register directly through the specific link to the British Council Milan on the yoU@B Student’s Diary.

What do you need to know about IELTS for UKVI?

IELTS for UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) and IELTS Life Skills IELTS for UKVI and IELTS Life Skills are UK government approved Secure English Language Tests. They can be taken to support many categories of UK visa applications. Book IELTS for UKVI or IELTS Life Skills

Is the British Council co-owner of IELTS?

They can be taken to support many categories of UK visa applications. Before you proceed, please read the IELTS Terms and Conditions . The British Council is a proud co-owner of IELTS.
