
Does the Army still require Da photo?

Does the Army still require Da photo?

Beginning Aug. 1, 2020, the DA Photos will be removed from U.S. Army Reserve promotion and selection boards to enhance the future promotion potential of all future Army Reserve leaders. This change specifically includes, but is not limited to, promotion boards, command boards and position vacancy boards.

How do you schedule a DA photo in the army?

Soldiers must use the VIOS website to set up an appointment to have a DA Photo taken. You can locate an authorized official photograph facility at the Visual Information Ordering Site (VIOS) https://vios.army.mil. The VIOS website can be accessed with an AKO username and password or with CAC login.

What is a DA photo army?

In the Army, Army Reserves and Army National Guard, leaders (Officers and NCOs) are expected to have a current DA Photo. The DA Photo is used to assess a soldiers’ professionalism and appearance. In most cases, a photo is good for five years.

Is the da photo required in the Minnesota National Guard?

The Minnesota National Guard has suspended DA photo operations due to COVID-19 restrictions. Per Department of Army guidance, effective August 1, 2020, the requirement for officer, warrant officer and enlisted selection boards to include the DA photo as part of the board file is suspended.

Is the Minnesota Army National Guard a legal authority?

The material is for general information only and should not be considered as legal authority. The Minnesota Army National Guard Office of the Staff Judge Advocate provides legal assistance to military personnel, retirees and their qualified dependents in accordance with Army Regulation 27-3, The Army Legal Assistance Program.

Can a Staff Judge Advocate represent the Minnesota National Guard?

The Minnesota Army National Guard Office of the Staff Judge Advocate cannot represent you in court. To request legal assistance please follow these instructions:

Who is the commander of the Minnesota National Guard?

The Minnesota Army National Guard is composed of approximately 11,000 Soldiers, spread out in 65 training and community centers across the state. When National Guard troops are called to federal service, the President serves as Commander-in-Chief. The federal mission assigned to the National Guard is: “To provide…