
Can you get pregnant with Robertsonian translocation?

Can you get pregnant with Robertsonian translocation?

Male carriers of Robertsonian (ROB) translocation can have infertility and are shown to have abnormal semen analysis. Some patients have positive sperms in the ejaculate. Therefore, fertility management can be offered to couples to achieve pregnancy and delivery of healthy neonates.

How do you know if translocation is balanced?

Most individuals with balanced translocation suffer no ill effects and are often undiagnosed until they suffer from problems with infertility. Balanced translocation errors are diagnosed through karyotyping. Blood samples are collected from each parent and analyzed for translocation.

How does a Robertsonian translocation affect your fertility?

Effect on fertility. If you or your partner carry a Robertsonian translocation, you may be at a higher risk for infertility or miscarriage. And when people with this translocation carry a child to term, the child may be at a higher risk for chromosomal imbalance.

Which is the most Common Robertsonian translocation in humans?

The acrocentric chromosomes in this DNA chain are chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22. Common translocation formations include: chromosome 13 with chromosome 14 (the most common Robertsonian translocation and the most common chromosome rearrangement found in humans) chromosome 13 with chromosome 21.

How is Patau syndrome related to Robertsonian translocation?

Patau syndrome is a result of an extra copy of chromosome 13 in a developing fetus’s DNA. If your Robertsonian translocation fuses chromosome 13 with another chromosome, you may be a carrier for Patau syndrome. Most cases of this trisomy aren’t inherited, but it’s possible.

Can a person with Robertsonian translocation have Down syndrome?

Trisomy 21 is also known as Down syndrome. Down syndrome is the world’s most common genetic disorder. If your Robertsonian translocation fuses another chromosome with chromosome 21, you may be genetically more predisposed to have a baby with Down syndrome.