
Are Plumcots fattening?

Are Plumcots fattening?

Fact: The pluot is an easy-to-carry, healthy snack. A pluot has 80 calories, 19 grams of carbohydrate, 3 grams of fiber, 1 gram of protein, no fat, 225 milligrams potassium and 10 percent daily value of vitamin C. With 15 grams of sugar, pluots have more sugar than plums, providing a sweet flavor.

How many calories are in a Plumcot?

Light and Sweet One medium plumcot has roughly 80 calories, making it ideal for a light and healthy snack. The fruit has no fat or cholesterol, but plumcots are unusually high in sugar, with 15 grams per serving.

Are Plumcots and pluots the same?

Here’s a quick breakdown of the differences: Plumcots are 50-50 crosses between plums and apricots. Apriums are more apricot than plum and tend to have slightly fuzzy skins. Pluots (pronounced plew-oughts) are more plum than apricot and have smooth skin.

What are Plumcots good for?

Pluots are great for improving your blood pressure. Pluots are high in potassium and low in sodium, which lowers blood pressure. Also, the fiber content in pluots is helpful in lowering cholesterol and improves the performance of insulin in the body, which aids in the lowering of blood pressure.

How many calories does plum wine have in it?

As with all alcoholic beverages, plum wine is a significant source of calories. Alcohol provides 7 calories per gram — more calories than carbs and protein and second only to fats, which have 9 calories/g.

How many calories does a plumcot fruit have?

Cross a plum tree with an apricot, and you get a funny-sounding fruit called a plumcot. Geneticist Floyd Zaiger created the first plumcot hybrid and went on to grow 20 other varieties. Like all fresh produce, plumcots are a good source of nutrients. One medium plumcot has roughly 80 calories, making it ideal for a light and healthy snack.

What kind of flavor does a plumcot have?

We grow several unique varieties of plumcots. They range in flavor from over-the-top sweet to tart and tangy, and just about everything in between. You may be reluctant to pick up and try a plumcot in store, as they often are cosmetically shocking!

Which is better for you red wine or plum wine?

Plum wines and other fruit wines were found to contain significantly less headache-inducing histamines than red wines. If consumed in moderation, the alcohol itself in plum wine may also confer certain health benefits.