
What was the number one song in April of 1989?

What was the number one song in April of 1989?

List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1989

Issue date Song Artist
April 1 “Eternal Flame” The Bangles
April 8 “Girl You Know It’s True” Milli Vanilli
April 15 “She Drives Me Crazy” Fine Young Cannibals
April 22 “Like a Prayer” Madonna

What was the UK number one in 1989?

Number-one singles

Chart date (week ending) Song Artist(s)
29 April “Eternal Flame” The Bangles
6 May
13 May “Hand on Your Heart” Kylie Minogue
20 May “Ferry ‘Cross the Mersey” The Christians, Holly Johnson, Paul McCartney, Gerry Marsden and Stock Aitken Waterman

What was the UK number 1 in April 1988?

Number-one singles

Chart date (week ending) Song Artist(s)
26 March “Don’t Turn Around” Aswad
2 April
9 April “Heart” Pet Shop Boys
16 April

What was the number one hit in the UK in 1989?

See all the 1989 Number One hits from the UK below and find out who had the longest running number one in the UK singles chart. Click on a Song Title to view full details of any song from the UK 1989 singles chart.

When did the UK Singles Chart peak in 1989?

This list shows singles that peaked in the Top 10 of the UK Singles Chart during 1989, as well as singles which peaked in 1988 but were in the top 10 in 1989. The entry date is when the single appeared in the top 10 for the first time (week ending, as published by the Official Charts Company, which is six days after the chart is announced).

What was the number one song on your birthday in 1989?

What was the Number 1 Song on Your Birthday in 1989? This table shows the date the song reached number one in the charts during 1989. If your exact birth date isn’t shown find the closest date before your birthday – this is the song that was number 1 on the day you were born or a later birthday.

What was the number one charity song in 1989?

Charity singles. A couple of songs recorded for charity reached the top 10 in 1989. The single “Ferry Cross the Mersey” saw The Christians, Gerry Marsden, Holly Johnson, Paul McCartney, Stock Aitken Waterman uniting as a tribute to victims of the Hillsborough Disaster where 96 football fans ultimately lost their lives.