
What is the structure of leaves in monocots?

What is the structure of leaves in monocots?

Monocot leaves have their leaf veins arranged parallel to each other and the long axis of the leaf (parallel vennation). An common example of this is the husk of corn or a blade of grass (both are monocots). Dicot leaves have an anastamosing network of veins arising from a mid-vein termed net vennation.

How does monocot leaf differ from a dicot leaf?

Monocot leaves are narrow, slender, and longer than dicot leaves. Dicot leaves are broad and relatively smaller than monocot leaves. Monocot leaves are isobilateral in symmetry. Dicot leaves are dorsoventral as the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves are distinguished.

Do monocots have Mesophyll?

Most Dicots have a Palisade arrangement of Mesophyll tissues. While monocots either have a uniform Mesophyll or one in which the Photosynthetic Parenchyma are distributed like spokes on a wheel around the Vascular Bundles. This is called Kranz (wreath) Anatomy and signifies that these plants have C4 Photosynthesis.

How are the leaves of a monocot plant arranged?

Monocot leaves are isobilateral i.e., both surfaces look the same and are structurally the same and are both exposed to the sun (usually vertically oriented). Leaf veins are arranged either in parallel through the length of the leaf or in a reticulate arrangement throughout the leaf.

What’s the difference between a dicot and a monocotyledon?

Monocotyledons have one cotyledon in the embryo. Leaf veins are reticulated (branched). Leaf veins are parallel. Some dicots are epistomatous i.e., they have stomata only on one surface on their leaves. Monocots are amphistomatous i.e., monocot leaves have stomata on both the upper and lower surface. Dicot leaves do not have bulliform cells.

How can you tell if a seed is monocot or dicot?

However, if you look closely, you can see that all the veins originate at the base of the leaf and are parallel to each other in each lobe of the leaf. If your plant is flowering, you can tell if it is a monocot or dicot by the number of petals and other flower parts.

What kind of symmetry does a dicot leaf have?

Dicot leaf shows reticulate venation, i.e. in this kind of leaves the veins striking towards each other. It has dorsiventral symmetry, i.e. both the leaf surfaces (ventral and dorsal surface) are different because it has stomata only in the lower epidermis and differentiated mesophyll.