
What is the percentage of Hindu in India in 1947?

What is the percentage of Hindu in India in 1947?

When India achieved independence in 1947, Hindus formed 85% of the total population, though pre-Partition British India had 73% of Hindus and 24% of Muslims.

Which religion came to India first?

Hinduism (founded around the 15th – 5th century BCE) The first and foremost of these is a belief in the Vedas – four texts compiled between the 15th and 5th centuries BCE on the Indian subcontinent, and the faith’s oldest scriptures – which make Hinduism without doubt the oldest religion in existence.

What was the percentage of Hindu in Pakistan in 1947?

In 1947, Hindus constituted 12.9% of Pakistan, which made Pakistan (including present day Bangladesh) the second-largest Hindu-population country after India. After Pakistan gained independence from Britain on 14 August 1947, 4.7 million of the country’s Hindus and Sikhs migrated to India.

What was the percentage of Hindus in India in 1947?

In Punjab, the Sikhs form the majority population. The Hindu percentage decreased steadily from 84.1% in 1951 to 79.8% in 2011. When India achieved independence in 1947, the Hindu percentage was 85% at that time. India then had a total population of about 350 million, of which about 300 million were Hindus.

What was the religious population of India in 1951?

Religious demographics. Hindus comprised 306 million(84.1%) and Muslims were 34 million(9.8%) in 1951 census. 1951 Indian census showed that there were 8.3 million Christians.

Which is the largest population of Hindus in the world?

In 2010, 94% of the world’s Hindus lived in India, and this is expected to remain true in 2050, when 1.3 billion Hindus are projected to live in the country. But India also is expected have 311 million Muslims in 2050 (11% of the global total), making it the country with the largest population of Muslims in the world.

How many Hindus and Muslims are there in India?

In absolute terms, there were 966.3 million Hindus in 2011, while there were 172.2 million Muslims, 27.8 million Christians, 20.8 million Sikhs (1.7 per cent of the country’s total population), 8.4 million Buddhist (0.7 per cent), and 4.5 million Jains (0.4 per cent).