
What is the oil ratio for a 2 stroke Mercury outboard?

What is the oil ratio for a 2 stroke Mercury outboard?

Valvoline 2 Stroke Outboard Oil is suitable for use in Evinrude, Mercury, Mariner, Suzuki, Volvo and Yamaha engines requiring 25:1, 50:1, 100:1, petrol/oil ratio, including those outboards with oil injection.

What is the fuel to oil ratio for a Mercury outboard?

As a general rule of thumb, add three ounces of Mercury 2 stroke premium outboard motor oil for each gallon of gas. Pour the gas and oil into a singular container. Close the gas container tightly and then shake the container vigorously to ensure that the oil and gasoline mix thoroughly.

What kind of oil do you put in a Mercury outboard motor?

Older two-stroke Mercury outboard motors require hand mixing of oil and gas. Newer models like the OptiMax motors have an oil injection system that keeps the ratio of gas to oil correct. As a general rule of thumb, add three ounces of Mercury 2 stroke premium outboard motor oil for each gallon of gas.

How much outboard motor oil for a gallon of gas?

As a general rule of thumb, add three ounces of Mercury 2 stroke premium outboard motor oil for each gallon of gas.

What kind of oil do you use in a Mercury verduro?

For Mercury Verduro models that are between 275 and 300 horsepower, use premium unleaded gasoline with a posted octane minimum of 95 along with Mercury or Quicksilver OptiMax/DFI 2-Stroke Outboard Oil. For Mercury 350 horsepower Verduro models, use premium unleaded gasoline with a minimum of 98 octane instead of 95.

What kind of oil does a Mercury autoblend use?

– Mercury or Quicksilver Premium Plus 2-Cycle TC-W3 Outboard Oil. Autoblend models have an oil reservoir mounted inside the boat that automatically blends oil with the fuel at a constant ratio of 50:1; 2-stroke oil is added to the reservoir and does not need to be mixed with the fuel (unless required for running-in)