
What is the declarative model stored as in the database?

What is the declarative model stored as in the database?

Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a declarative system. The API Server acts as the processor, applying the commands given by the controllers to the system state, which is stored in the Kubernetes Object Store.

Where are Kubernetes objects stored?

Configuration files are typically stored in source control, such as Git. live object configuration / live configuration: The live configuration values of an object, as observed by the Kubernetes cluster. These are kept in the Kubernetes cluster storage, typically etcd.

Is Kubernetes imperative or declarative?

Declarative Configuration However, the power of Kubernetes is in its declarative API and controllers. You can just tell Kubernetes what you want, and it will know what to do.

What is declarative Yaml?

“Declarative” is a statement of the desired end result – like “I want 42 widgets to exist”. Typically, your yaml file will be declarative in nature: it will say that you want 42 widgets to exist. You’ll give that to Kubernetes, and it will execute the steps necessary to end up with having 42 widgets.

What does it mean to have a declarative memory?

Declarative memory has to do with the storage of facts, and events we have personally experienced. Recalling information from declarative memory involves some degree of conscious effort, as information must be consciously brought to mind and “declared”.

When to use declarative object configuration in Kubernetes?

When using declarative object configuration, a user operates on object configuration files stored locally, however the user does not define the operations to be taken on the files. Create, update, and delete operations are automatically detected per-object by kubectl.

What do you need to know about declarative provisioning?

Many things described in this topic are advanced and not required for most customer scenarios. Declarative provisioning is processing objects coming in from a source connected directory and determines how the object and attributes should be transformed from a source to a target.

Which is an example of episodic or declarative memory?

One component of episodic memory is based on specific events, or “episodes” that are part of your personal history. Some examples: The other component of declarative memory is semantic memory, which is the ability to recall facts and concepts, often referred to as common knowledge.