
What depth do you find bass?

What depth do you find bass?

While productive depths during the early summer are dependent on the lake, I like 6 to 12 feet of water. During the height of summer, bass may move as deep as 15 or 20 feet, especially in clear water. Fishing crankbaits along weed edges is a proven summertime tactic for big largemouths.

Where do bass usually hide?

Look for areas on the map that offer steep underwater ledges – these let the bass move to cooler water quickly if they need it. Look for weed beds, docks, and bridges. Bass will hang out just outside the entrances to shallow coves if there’s a quick drop-off. Also look for any submerged trees, logs, rocks, etc.

What water temp are bass most active?

Temperatures during the spawn are usually around 55-70 degrees. After the spawn, as the bass begin leaving their beds, the post-spawn begins. This will run all the way through summer and is one of the best fishing times of the year. These water temps range from 70-75 degrees.

Where is the best place to catch bass on a ledge?

To prevent getting overwhelmed, focus initially on obvious ledge locations, like outside bends, points where creek channels meet the main river channel, and high spots along the ledge. These are your best bets at hooking up with offshore bass.

What does ledge fishing mean in bass fishing?

In recent years, “ledge” fishing has become a buzzword in bass fishing circles. In the broadest sense, ledge fishing is really just a way to describe offshore bass fishing on impoundments that have a river channel, and thus the “ledges” they refer to are actually just the banks of the old river channel.

How big are the bass on the ledge in Michigan?

This is a relative term! Deep to me here is 15-30′ in Cali or Michigan it may be 50 or 60′. Time on the water is key, if you are like me that is in short supply so make the time count by making good decisions in planning and then spending your time wisely and being efficient.

What to do when you dont catch a fish on a ledge?

If you’re not getting bit, slow down and make a few casts through the area with a bottom presentation like a Carolina rig or jig. Ledge fishing is a waiting game though, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t catch a fish right away. If you’ve been fishing for a half hour or more, pick up and head to another spot.