
What are the chemical properties of matter for Kids?

What are the chemical properties of matter for Kids?

The chemical properties of matter are those characteristics that give it the ability (or inability) to undergo a chemical change—a change in composition. The chemical properties of a substance predict whether a chemical reaction will or will not take place.

What is chemical and physical properties of matter?

A physical property is a characteristic of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the substance. Physical properties include color, density, hardness, and melting and boiling points. A chemical property describes the ability of a substance to undergo a specific chemical change.

What are the physical properties of the states of matter?

States of matter are examples of physical properties of a substance. Other physical properties include appearance (shiny, dull, smooth, rough), odor, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, hardness and density, to name just a few.

What are the 5 physical properties of matter?

Physical Properties

  • color (intensive)
  • density (intensive)
  • volume (extensive)
  • mass (extensive)
  • boiling point (intensive): the temperature at which a substance boils.
  • melting point (intensive): the temperature at which a substance melts.

What are the six examples of physical properties of matter?


  • Shape
  • Volume
  • Density
  • Temperature
  • Boiling point
  • Viscosity
  • Pressure
  • Solubility
  • Electric charge
  • What properties of matter are affected by a physical change?

    A physical change involves a change in physical properties. Examples of physical properties include melting, transition to a gas, change of strength, change of durability, changes to crystal form, textural change, shape, size, color, volume and density.

    Does all matter have unique physical properties?

    All properties of matter are either extensive or intensive and either physical or chemical. Extensive properties, such as mass and volume, depend on the amount of matter that is being measured. Intensive properties, such as density and color, do not depend on the amount of matter.

    What are the different special properties in matter?

    Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. -The things or matter around us is made up of tiny building blocks called MOLECULES.

  • 1
  • Elasticity is the ability of a material to return to its original shape and size after it is stretched.
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  • Porosity is the ability of a material to hold much liquid.
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