
How many locations does Fresenius have?

How many locations does Fresenius have?

We care for more than 344,000 patients in our global network of more than 4,000 dialysis clinics. At the same time, we operate 44 production sites on all continents, to provide dialysis products such as dialysis machines, dialyzers and related disposables.

How many Fresenius locations are there in the US?

More than 2,500 dialysis clinics North America is Fresenius Medical Care’s largest market by far. The company operates more than 2,500 of its own dialysis clinics there, and treats more than 211,000 patients.

How many dialysis clinics are there in California?

California voters will again weigh in on the quality of care dialysis clinics provide to about 80,000 people in the state with kidney failure. Proposition 23 would require a doctor or highly trained nurse at each of the state’s 600 dialysis clinics whenever patients are being treated to improve patient care.

Where is Fresenius based?

The corporate headquarters​ of Fresenius Kabi are located in Bad Homburg, Germany.

Where are the headquarters of Fresenius Medical Care?

Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA and the Fresenius Medical Care and Fresenius Kabi business segments have their main offices here. China has played a major role in the development of Fresenius. The health care group was already active in “The Middle Kingdom” in the early 1980s, and has been gaining experience and know-how in this key market ever since.

Where are Fresenius kidney care dialysis centers located?

Fresenius Kidney Care dialysis centers are conveniently located throughout the United States, making it easier for you to get to your appointments and stay on your treatment plan.

Who is the parent company of Fresenius kidney care?

Fresenius Kidney Care dialysis centers are part of Fresenius Medical Care North America (FMCNA). Some centers may be known as Fresenius Kidney Care or Fresenius Medical Care, as well as other names. Every center listed in our dialysis finder results is part of the Fresenius Kidney Care dialysis network.

Where does Fresenius have a presence in Latin America?

Major player in Latin America. Fresenius has been active in Brazil longer than in any other country outside of Europe, having set up its own distributor there in the mid-1970s. The acquisition of Hiplex, a pharmaceutical company specializing in infusion solutions and based in Campinas, Sao Paulo state, followed in 1977.