
How are conjunctival concretions treated?

How are conjunctival concretions treated?

Most concretions remain asymptomatic and do not need a specific treatment. If the patient is symptomatic, the specific concretions may be removed. Method of removal: Proparacaine hydrochloride 0.5% drops are instilled, and the lid is everted to expose the palpebral conjunctival surface.

How do you get rid of concretions?

Symptomatic conjunctival concretions: If concretions erode through the epithelium and produce symptoms, they can often be removed with a small-gauge needle under topical surface anaesthesia at the slit lamp (bio-microscope), by an eye specialist.

How are follicles in the eye treated?

Treatment for follicular conjunctivitis will be based on the cause of infection. In chlamydial infections, eye care clinicians may prescribe an oral antichlamydial antibiotic. The most effective antibiotics of this type include azithromycin or doxycycline.

What causes follicles in the eyes?

Follicular conjunctivitis is typically caused by allergens such as dust, grass, and weeds. Immune stimulation causes the lymphoid follicles on the eye to become enlarged. As the follicles become more and more enlarged, the raised follicles themselves can cause further irritation to the eye, creating a vicious cycle.

What do concretions on the palpebral conjunctiva look like?

Conjunctival concretions are small, typically multiple, yellow-white lesions commonly found on palpebral conjunctiva of elderly individuals and those with chronic inflammation. They are thought to be widespread and typically asymptomatic, occurring in 40-50% of studied populations.

What are the follicles of the bulbar conjunctiva?

The follicles appear as gray-white, round to oval elevations which measuring between 0.5 to 1.5 mm in diameter Follicles can be seen in the inferior and superior tarsal conjunctiva, and less often, on bulbar or limbal conjunctiva

Where does chronic follicular conjunctivitis occur in the eye?

Molluscum lesions are often found on or near the eyelid margin. In those cases, a chronic follicular conjunctivitis is commonly seen, presumably related to the toxic effect of viral particles spilling onto the conjunctiva. Follicular conjunctivitis due to molluscum lesions does not respond to topical medications.

Can a patient with Conjunctival concretions be asymptomatic?

Patients are usually asymptomatic and conjunctival concretions are noted on ocular examination. Some patients with protruding concretions may complain of irritation and foreign body sensation in eye. Patients may or may not give history of chronic conjunctivitis.