
Who does lort represent?

Who does lort represent?

LORT is the largest professional theatre association of its kind in the United States, with 77 member Theatres located in every major market in the U.S., including 30 states and the District of Columbia. LORT Theatres collectively issue more Equity contracts to actors than Broadway and commercial tours combined.

How many LORT theaters are there?

75 Member Theatres
With 75 Member Theatres in 29 states and the District of Columbia, LORT is the largest professional theatre association of its kind in the United States.

How do you become a LORT theater?

The following criteria must be met for new membership into LORT: The theatre must be incorporated as a non-profit I.R.S.-approved organization. Each self-produced production must be rehearsed for a minimum of three weeks. The theatre must have a playing season of twelve weeks or more.

What is a resident theatre?

A regional theatre, or resident theatre, in the United States is a professional or semi-professional theatre company that produces its own seasons. The term regional theatre most often refers to a professional theatre outside New York City. A regional theatre may be a non-profit, commercial, union, or non-union house.

Who are the employees of LORT theatre company?

View LORT’s Collective Bargaining Agreements for Actors and Stage Managers, Directors and Choreographers, and Scenic, Costume, Lighting, Sound, and Projection Designers. LORT Theatres are committed to increasing racial and ethnic diversity across our staffs, and gender, racial and ethnic diversity in our executive leadership.

Who are the a + theaters in the Lort program?

While A+ theaters include Broadway-eligible not-for-profits such as Roundabout Theatre Company, Manhattan Theatre Club, and Lincoln Center Theater, Group A theaters include a contingency of member houses “that already had a specific type of contract with Equity” before joining LORT, according to Wilkerson.

Is the Fulton Theater a member of the Lort?

The Fulton is one of many theaters that is not a LORT member but does administer the LORT-Equity contract for its employees. Though the higher pay scale may have something to do with this increased actor interest, the use of the LORT contract itself may be a draw for actors.

What does the word Lort mean in Danish?

Lort is a danish word for ‘Shit’. Often used to describe that a thing /action was bad. “Det her mad smager af LORT !” “This food taste of Shit ( Lort )!”