
Where is Bolshoi Ballet located?

Where is Bolshoi Ballet located?

Moscow, Russia
The Bolshoi Ballet is an internationally renowned classical ballet company based at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, Russia. Founded in 1776, the Bolshoi is among the world’s oldest ballet companies.

How much is a ticket to the Bolshoi?

Tickets will range in price from 1,500 – 15,000 rubles or about $24-$238 US dollars. Ordering these “preliminary sales” tickets you get a certificate that must be exchanged for your actual ticket.

How do I get tickets to the Bolshoi Ballet?

Buying a Bolshoi Theatre ticket can be done in one of the following ways: at the box office, on the Theatre’s official website, ticket order by phone and, finally, ticket sale via various websites or by official distributors.

Where is the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow located?

Dear ladies and gentlemen! about the Theatre’s activities. Postal address: Teatralnaya sq. 1, Moscow, Russia, 125009.

How to contact the Bolshoi Theatre Press Office?

Contact Us. The Bolshoi Theatre Press Office is an information Centre which will provide answers to all your questions about the Theatre’s activities. Contact details Tel.: +7 495 692-0818 Fax: + 7 495 692 3367 E-mail: [email protected] Postal address: Teatralnaya sq. 1, Moscow, Russia, 125009.

Where was the Bolshoi Theatre before the October Revolution?

Before the October Revolution it was a part of the Imperial Theatres of the Russian Empire along with Maly Theatre ( Small Theatre) in Moscow and a few theatres in Saint Petersburg ( Hermitage Theatre, Bolshoi (Kamenny) Theatre, later Mariinsky Theatre and others).

How often does the Bolshoi Theatre perform ballet?

View from above The Bolshoi is a repertory theatre, meaning that it draws from a list of productions, any one of which may be performed on a given evening. It normally introduces two to four new ballet or opera productions each season and puts a similar number on hold.