
Where can I find E-Verify?

Where can I find E-Verify?

To find out more about E-Verify, visit or call USCIS at 1-888-464-4218.

How do I comply with E-Verify?

Enter the employee’s email address in E-Verify if it was provided on Form I-9. Provide each employee who receives a Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) with notice and the opportunity to contest it. Print Further Action Notices and discuss them privately with employees who receive a TNC.

What happens if you don’t E-Verify an employee?

Penalties: First-time offenders with knowing violations are subject to a $500 company penalty as well as a $500 fine for each employee and non-employee the company failed to verify. For repeat offenders, the penalties may rise to as high as a $2,500 company fine plus and additional $2,500 for each employee.

When does E-Verify update tentative nonconfirmation process?

On March 4, 2021, E-Verify updated the Social Security Administration (SSA) Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) process. Now, employees who receive an SSA TNC with a citizenship mismatch have the option to call DHS to resolve their cases instead of visiting an SSA field office.

When do I need to reverify my E-Verify case?

Once a new employee has completed Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, create a case in E-Verify for this employee. Enter the EAD document number you entered on Form I-9, as well as the automatically extended date of Sept. 27, 2021. You must reverify these employees on Form I-9 before they start work on Sept. 28, 2021.

What can I do if I have a mismatch on my E-Verify?

We encourage you to learn more about the E-Verify process, including your rights and responsibilities as an employee and how to correct your records if a mismatch is found during the verification process. You can verify your personal information against the same records E-Verify checks through Self Check.

How long does it take for E-Verify to show up?

E-Verify operates with speed and accuracy. E-Verify is the only free, fast, online service of its kind that electronically confirms an employee’s information against millions of government records and provides results within as little as three to five seconds. To learn more about the verification process, visit the verification process page.