
What kind of IRC client does Irssi use?

What kind of IRC client does Irssi use?

Irssi is a text-only IRC client. It does not get in your way and its commands are intuitive and useful. Non-standard features are implemented with perl scripts, rather than in the core. Irssi can range from a functional, no-frills client to a highly-customized and automated client. Irssi is not the only focus of this guide.

How does Irssi show Im nickchange in BitlBee?

1. Adds an item to the status bar wich shows [joined: ] when someone is joining &bitlbee. 2. Shows join messages in the query. (For bitlbee v3.0+) Shows an IM nickchange in an Irssi way. (in a query and in the bitlbee channel).

What’s the difference between irssi and GNU Screen?

Irssi can range from a functional, no-frills client to a highly-customized and automated client. Irssi is not the only focus of this guide. GNU screen, the well-known terminal multiplexer, is also discussed. Screen is a highly useful tool that allows a user to manipulate multiple windows inside of a single session.

How do I install Irssi on my computer?

Download setup.exe from Cygwin and select irssi during the package selection step. To start irssi, open MinTTY (link should be on your Desktop) and type irssi apt install irssi. apt install irssi.

How does the ZNC module work in IRC?

The module injects a server time tag (in millisecond precision) to each message sent from ZNC to an IRC client that has requested the capability. In order for an IRC client to support advanced playback, it should request the capability and keep track of the latest server time of received messages.

How to avoid repetitive buffer playback in IRC?

Someone might be able to help you there. The advanced playback module makes it possible for IRC clients to avoid undesired repetitive buffer playback. IRC clients may request the module to send a partial buffer playback starting from and ending to a certain point of time. The source code is available on GitHub.