
What is the physical geography of Togo?

What is the physical geography of Togo?

Physical Geography The country consists primarily of two savanna plains regions separated by a southwest–northeast range of hills (the Chaîne du Togo). In the north lies the Ouatchi Plateau. This plateau is about 30 kilometres (19 mi) wide and located at an altitude of 60 to 90 metres (197 to 295 ft) above sea level.

Who colonized Togo?

Background: Togoland, of which modern Togo was formerly a part, was colonized by the Germans in 1894. The German occupation has been ended by a joint Anglo-French force early in World War I. In 1960 French Togoland became Togo.

Is Togo rich or poor?

Togo – Poverty and wealth Togo is a poor country; GDP per capita stood at $1,700 in 1999, and 32 percent of the population was thought to be living below the poverty line (according to 1987-89 estimates).

What kind of country is Togo in Africa?

Togo is a small West African country. It is located in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres of the Earth. It is bordered by three African nations; Burkina Faso to the north, Ghana to the west, and Benin to the east. The Bight of Benin of the Gulf of Guinea borders Togo to the south.

Where is Togo located on a satellite image?

Satellite image of Togo. Togo is a small Sub-Saharan state, comprising a long strip of land in West Africa. Togo’s geographic coordinates are a latitude of 8° north and a longitude of 1°10′ east.

What is the length of the coastline of Togo?

To the south Togo has 56 km (35 mi) of coastline along the Bight of Benin of the Gulf of Guinea in the North Atlantic Ocean. Togo stretches 579 km (360 mi) north from the Gulf and is only 160 km (99 mi) wide at the broadest point.

Which is the highest mountain in the south of Togo?

The south of Togo is characterized by a savanna and woodland plateau which reaches to a coastal plain with extensive lagoons and marshes. The highest mountain of the country is the Mont Agou at 986 m above sea level. The longest river is the Mono River with a length of 400 km. It runs from north to south.