
What is the phone number 811?

What is the phone number 811?

811 is the national call-before-you-dig phone number. Anyone who plans to dig should call 811 or go to their state 811 center’s website before digging to request that the approximate location of buried utilities be marked with paint or flags so that you don’t unintentionally dig into an underground utility line.

Does America have 811?

8-1-1 is an N-1-1 telephone number in Canada and the United States. In the United States, 8-1-1 provides a uniform national phone number to access local utility location services.

Is dig alert a free service?

Answer: It’s free for anyone that is digging to get a DigAlert ticket. Our services are paid for by the owners of underground facilities.

Is there a free phone number for 811?

Is 811 Free? Yes! 811 is a free phone number and service. The service includes contacting all affected utility operators who will then send utility locators to your site free of charge. Utility lines will be marked with paint and/or flags, usually within 2-3 days.

How long does it take for 811 center to transmit information?

The 811 center will transmit information to affected utility operators. Wait the required number of days (check your state’s requirement here) to allow utilities to send out locators to mark buried lines with paint or flags. On average, between 7-8 utility operators are notified for each request.

How do I notify my state of my 811 number?

Notify your state’s 811 center by calling 811 or making an online request 2-3 days before work begins. Click here to find information about your state’s specific notification period requirement, your 811 center, and online service availability.

When to call 811 for Home Improvement Project?

Digging Soon? If your simple home improvement project involves digging, you must contact your state’s 811 center a few days before breaking ground. If you’ve hired a professional to do work on your property that includes digging, make sure that they have called 811 or made their request online before beginning work.