
What is the most likely effect of using a fixed interval reinforcement schedule?

What is the most likely effect of using a fixed interval reinforcement schedule?

Fixed-Interval Schedules This schedule causes high amounts of responding near the end of the interval but slower responding immediately after the delivery of the reinforcer. An example of this in a lab setting would be reinforcing a rat with a lab pellet for the first bar press after a 30-second interval has elapsed.

What fixed ratio schedule?

Fixed Ratio Schedule. Ratio schedules involve reinforcement after a certain number of responses have been emitted. The fixed ratio schedule involves using a constant number of responses. For example, if the rabbit is reinforced every time it pulls the lever exactly five times, it would be reinforced on an FR 5 schedule …

What is the advantage disadvantage to using a continuous reinforcement schedule?

The second advantage of using continuous schedules is that it will increase the rate of desired behaviors quickly. A disadvantage to continuous schedules, however, is that if you abruptly stop providing reinforcement, the desired behavior will cease quickly.

Why is fixed ratio schedule important?

A fixed-ratio schedule can be a useful approach to certain situations that utilize operant conditioning. 1 When choosing a schedule, however, it is important to think about factors such as how frequently you want the subject to respond and how often you want to provide a reward.

What are the disadvantages of a fixed ratio schedule?

One possible disadvantage is that subjects may quickly become exhausted from such a high response rate or they may become satiated after a number of reinforcements have been given. Production Line Work: Workers at a widget factory are paid for every 15 widgets they make. This results in a high production rate and workers tend to take few breaks.

What is a fixed ratio schedule in operant conditioning?

More in Theories. In operant conditioning, a fixed-ratio schedule is a schedule of reinforcement where a response is reinforced only after a specified number of responses.

What’s the difference between a variable and ratio schedule?

In the case of variable-ratio schedules, the term variable indicates that reinforcement is delivered after an unpredictable number of responses. Ratio suggests that the reinforcement is given after a set number of responses. So together, the term means that reinforcement is delivered after a varied number of responses.

Why are slot machines on a variable ratio schedule?

Where the variable-ratio schedule is unpredictable, the fixed-ratio schedule is set at a fixed rate. Slot machines: Players have no way of knowing how many times they have to play before they win. All they know is that eventually, a play will win. This is why slot machines are so effective, and players are often reluctant to quit.