
What is tensor fascia lata syndrome?

What is tensor fascia lata syndrome?

Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome, or IT Band Syndrome, is common problem that can cause pain in the outside of the thigh or knee. This occurs when the tensor fascia latae (TFL) muscle at the hip becomes overactive.

What is the action of the tensor fascia lata?

Tensor fasciae latae muscle

Tensor fasciae latae
Artery Primarily lateral circumflex femoral artery, superior gluteal artery
Nerve Superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5, S1)
Actions Hip – flexion, medial rotation, abduction, knee – lateral rotation, Torso – stabilization

How do you treat tensor fasciae latae pain?

Stretching is ideal for pain relief; begin by placing your good hip in the opposing direction of the TFL to stretch. For successful results, the client should be laying the strain on a massage ball (or even a tennis ball), moving the ball along the TFL until the strained area is evident.

Can you grow the tensor fasciae latae?

The tensor fasciae latae is a fast-twitch muscle. This means that the best way to build dynamic strength is to use plyometric training. Once the muscle is warm then we can work on increasing its length through stretching and muscle flexibility.

What does TFL pain feel like?

Symptoms of TFL pain include: Pain in the outer hip. Pain when lying of the affected hip. Increased pain when weight bearing on one side. Noticeable pain in the hip and outer thigh when walking up or down stairs/hills.

How long does it take for TFL to heal?

Depending on the severity of the injury, it may take 1-6 weeks for a hip flexor injury to heal. Minor injuries typically require 1-3 weeks of recovery time, while more severe muscle tears can take 4-6 weeks or longer. Untreated severe injuries may take even longer or cause chronic pain.

How do you relax tensor fasciae latae?

The most effective stretch for the TFL is in the knee-down hip flexor stretch (see figure 4). If you are stretching the left TFL: Kneel on the left knee with the right leg at 90 degrees hip flexion and knee flexion. Push the left hip forward until the slack is taken up (this takes up the flexion component).

Why does my tensor fasciae latae hurt?

The main cause for TFL pain is overuse and compensation for weaker surrounding muscles. Pain occurring in muscles is often the result of the muscles compensating or working much harder than they were made to work. This compensation occurs due to surrounding muscles being dysfunctional due to inhibition or weakness.

Is walking good for hip flexor strain?

It can help to reduce the risk for hip flexor strain if you apply moist heat and warm up your muscles with a gentle walk for about three minutes before stretching.