
What is LEED sustainable Sites?

What is LEED sustainable Sites?

The Sustainable Sites (SS) credit category of LEED v4 was created to ensure that a project’s natural environment would be valued and respected throughout every step of the building process, from planning to construction to management.

What are the 7 key categories within LEED?

The LEED® rating system has seven areas of concentration; Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, Innovation in Design Process and Regional Priority. Projects obtain credits in these areas to achieve certification.

What is a sustainable site?

The Sustainable Sites (SS) category is about making decisions based on having less impact to the environment.It covers decisions from the time before ground disturbance activities begins and ends with native landscaping and light pollution.

What does LEED stand for in terms of sustainable construction and design?

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the most widely used green building rating system in the world.

What do you need to know about LEED Sustainable Sites?

LEED Sustainable Sites credits deal with protecting natural habitat, keeping open spaces, dealing with rainwater, and heat island and light pollution reduction. This measure is required for LEED certification.

What do LEED credits do for a site?

LEED Sustainable Sites credits protect natural habitat, provide open spaces, deal with rainwater, and reduce heat islands and light pollution. Menu Metal Building Kits Business Agricultural

What are the prerequisites for a LEED site?

The first category of LEED prerequisites and credits has to do with the location and piece of land the project is built on. LEED Sustainable Sites credits deal with protecting natural habitat, keeping open spaces, dealing with rainwater, and heat island and light pollution reduction.

What’s the difference between leed and sites rating?

As a reminder, the LEED rating system applies to your project building and the site it is located on, while the SITES rating system applies to everything on your site, except your building (with a few exceptions). Download the LEED-SITES Synergies documents to learn more about how SITES interfaces with LEED BD+C and ND rating systems (v4/v2009).