
What is a ship bridge?

What is a ship bridge?

The Bridge is to a ship as a cockpit is to an airplane. The Bridge of a ship is the command center through which all communication, work requests, and information is relayed. It is the superstructure at the top of the ship that gives a clear view of the ocean on all sides.

Why is it called ship bridge?

Steam engines replaced sails on board ships, with sail paddles taking its place. They were steered via a rudder wheel. For this purpose, a walkaway was constructed on a raised platform, connecting the two paddles, serving as a literal ‘bridge’, earning the command centre its name.

What is the function of the bridge in a ship?

The bridge is the main control centre of a vessel, from where the captain and officers are able to man the entire operations of the vessel. It is generally located in a position with an unrestricted view and immediate access to the essential areas of a ship.

What is bridge deck in a ship?

Bridge Deck: Bridge deck is the deck on which the navigational equipment of the ships are housed.

What does the bridge mean on a cruise ship?

The bridge is the place on the ship where the captain and his crew manage the direction and speed of the ship, as well as other functions of the vessel. The nautical term originated from the narrow, raised platform “bridging” the two sides of a large vessel that allowed a captain access to both sides while commanding the crew.

What was the purpose of a navigation bridge?

Larger ships, particularly warships, often had a number of different bridges. A navigation bridge would be used for the actual conning of the ship.

Who is on the bridge when the ship is underway?

When a ship is underway the bridge is manned by an OOW (officer of the watch) aided usually by an AB (able seaman) acting as lookout. During critical maneuvers the captain will be on the bridge supported, perhaps, by an OOW as an extra set of hands, an AB on the wheel and sometimes a pilot if required.

What are the standards for a ship’s bridge?

All systems and equipment must meet IMO standards and must be approved by the administration to be installed in the bridge. Electrical and electronic equipment shall be so installed that the electromagnetic interference does not affect proper functioning of navigation systems and equipment.