
What does the ACA code of ethics say about dual relationships?

What does the ACA code of ethics say about dual relationships?

The 2005 ACA Code of Ethics clarifies that nonsexual dual relationships are not prohibited; however, navigating dual relationships can be challenging. Counselors are ethically mandated to approach dual relationships with care and caution.

What is a dual relationship in Ethics?

Dual relationships (also known as “multiple relationships”), refer to a situation in which multiple roles exist between a therapist and a client. For example, when a client is also a friend or family member, it is considered a dual relationship.

What are the ethical concerns considerations regarding dual multiple relationships?

Only sexual dual relationships with current clients are always unethical and sometimes illegal. Non-sexual dual relationships do not necessarily lead to exploitation, sex, or harm. The opposite is often true. Dual relationships are more likely to prevent exploitation and sex rather than lead to it.

What is Naadac code of ethics?

The NAADAC Code of Ethics is designed as a statement of the values of the profession and as a guide for making clinical decisions. This Code is also utilized by state certification boards and educational institutions to evaluate the behavior of Addiction Professionals and to guide the certification process.

What are the ethics of the ACA and NAADAC?

The American Counseling Association (ACA) and the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) are groups whose ethical codes have much in common. However, the key element in both codes is the proper treatment of the patient or client.

What does ACA code of ethics say about dual relationships?

Though the standards related to dual relationships in the ACA Code of Ethics have undergone significant changes, the spirit of their intent can still be summarized in one sentence: Do what is in the best interest of the client.

Are there any ethical guidelines for dual relationships?

The recent revision of the ACA Code of Ethics significantly changes the ethical guidelines related to dual relationships. Careful review of the specific ethics code language addressing dual relationships is imperative in order to navigate this prevalent ethical issue.

What are the provisions of the NAADAC code?

NAADAC Code. The NAADAC has nine provisions that deal with a wide spectrum of responsibilities–nondiscrimination, client welfare, client relationships, trustworthiness, compliance with the law, rights and duties, dual relationships (nonexploitation of people), preventing harm and duty of care (ensuring a safe work environment.