
What are the symptoms of Helicobacter disease?

What are the symptoms of Helicobacter disease?


  • An ache or burning pain in your abdomen.
  • Abdominal pain that’s worse when your stomach is empty.
  • Nausea.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Frequent burping.
  • Bloating.
  • Unintentional weight loss.

Why do stomachs swell malnutrition?

To understand the reasoning for this, it is important to know that in malnourishment, the rounded abdomen is not due to fat accumulation. Instead, the water retention and fluid buildup in the body cause the abdomen to expand. This results in a bloated, distended stomach or abdominal area.

How do you get rid of bacteria in your stomach?

The options include:

  1. Antibiotics to kill the bacteria in your body, such as amoxicillin, clarithromycin (Biaxin), metronidazole (Flagyl), tetracycline (Sumycin), or tinidazole (Tindamax).
  2. Drugs that reduce the amount of acid in your stomach by blocking the tiny pumps that produce it.

How do I get rid of a bacterial infection in my stomach naturally?

Try the following:

  1. Drink fluids regularly throughout the day, especially after bouts of diarrhea.
  2. Eat little and often, and include some salty foods.
  3. Consume foods or drinks with potassium, such as fruit juice and bananas.
  4. Don’t take any medications without asking your doctor.

What are the most common infectious diseases in Ethiopia?

Ethiopia Major infectious diseases Factbook> Countries> Ethiopia> Demographics Major infectious diseases: degree of risk:very high (2020) food or waterborne diseases:bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever vectorborne diseases:malaria and dengue fever

Is it possible to get cholera in Ethiopia?

Cholera is presumed to be present in Ethiopia. Cholera is rare in travelers but can be severe. Certain factors may increase the risk of getting cholera or having severe disease ( more information ). Avoiding unsafe food and water and washing your hands can also help prevent cholera.

What to do if you get sick in Ethiopia?

Unclean food and water can cause travelers’ diarrhea and other diseases. Reduce your risk by sticking to safe food and water habits. Talk with your doctor about taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs with you on your trip in case you get sick. Bugs (like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas) can spread a number of diseases in Ethiopia.

What to do if you get chikungunya in Ethiopia?

Chikungunya in Ethiopia January 03, 2020 There is an outbreak of chikungunya in Ethiopia. You can protect yourself against chikungunya disease by preventing mosquito bites Check the vaccines and medicines list and visit your doctor at least a month before your trip to get vaccines or medicines you may need.