
What are the key parts of Antt?

What are the key parts of Antt?

Key-Parts are the critical parts of the procedure equipment that if contaminated are most likely to cause infection. E.g. needles, syringe tips, intravenous line connections, exposed lumens of catheters, tops of ampoules.

What are the 4 key principles of Antt?

Aseptic non-touch technique (ANTT)

  • The underlying principles of ANTT are:
  • Always wash hands effectively;
  • Never contaminate key parts;
  • Touch non-key parts with confidence;
  • Take appropriate infective precautions.

What is a key part in a procedure?

Key Parts are the most critical parts of the procedural equipment, that if contaminated are likely to cause infection.

What is a key part in aseptic procedure?

If contaminated during a procedure, Key-Parts provide a route for the transmission of pathogens onto or into the patient, and present a significant infection risk. Key-Parts (Inactive) When Key-Parts such as closed IV ports are not active it is not practical to maintain them as aseptic.

What are the key principles of ANTT 5.5?

5.5 The key principles of ANTT are:  Always clean hands effectively  Never contaminate key parts or key sites  Touch non key parts and non-key sites with confidence  Take appropriate infection prevention precautions such as the use of protective equipment – standard precautions.  Maintain a sterile field at all times.

What do you need to know about The ANTT framework?

ANTT framework: key sites; key parts; critical aseptic field, general aseptic field, micro critical aseptic fields. ANTT principle’s and safeguards to practice. Additional modules are being created and will cover procedures including cannulation and blood culture collection.

When to use ANTT in the operating theatre?

Surgical ANTT (usually utilised for procedures in the operating theatre although not exclusively) is required when carrying out procedures that meet one or more of the following criteria: · Equipment required has large number of key parts.

Why is ANTT used in an aseptic procedure?

ANTT is the chosen method by this Trust for staff to adopt when performing an aseptic procedure. This technique if performed correctly will prevent infection of wounds and other susceptible sites by ensuring that only uncontaminated equipment and fluids come into contact with sterile/susceptible body sites during certain clinical procedures.