
Is Reading Recovery still used?

Is Reading Recovery still used?

Despite the cacophony, Reading Recovery continues to expand. In California, school districts, including Los Angeles, are training more teachers and serving more students. In Florida, Gov. But then the district dropped its financing of the program and left it up to schools whether or not to use it.

What evidence says about Reading Recovery?

In summary, there is substantial scientific evidence to support Reading Recovery’s effectiveness with lowest-performing first- grade students. Reading Recovery does not claim to be the only solution to the nation’s reading problems, nor does it seek preferential treatment for funding under the No Child Left Behind Act.

Is Reading Recovery a Tier 3 intervention?

Reading Recovery is used as part of a systemic intervention model for academics. Within that model, children who do not make progress with classroom instruction (Tier I) are provided Reading Recovery as an intensive intervention (Tier II) before any referral to special education (Tier III).

How does the Reading Recovery program work?

Reading Recovery is a short-term intervention for first graders having extreme difficulty with early reading and writing. Specially trained teachers work individually with students in daily 30-minute lessons lasting 12 to 20 weeks.

How long does the Reading Recovery Program last?

The Reading Recovery intervention runs for 12-20 weeks, depending on the rate of progress made by each student. It continues until the student can read within or above the class average band and has demonstrated the use of independent reading and writing strategies.

What are the Reading Recovery Guidelines in Victoria?

These Guidelines aim to maximise Reading Recovery effectiveness in Victorian schools and assure the provision of a quality intervention for students. The Guidelines reflect the intent of the Australian National Standards which are based on research and current effective practice. Last updated: 30.10.07 (c) State of Victoria, 2007

Who is the next student in Reading Recovery?

The student who is on the lowest text level will be the next student admitted to Reading Recovery. The Observation Survey Summary and Predictions for Progress are completed after the full Observation Survey is administered to the new student entering Reading Recovery. Transferred students

How is a child selected for Reading Recovery?

At the beginning of each year, children in Year 1 who are having literacy learning difficulties are selected for Reading Recovery. One of the key ways in which students are selected for Reading Recovery is through an Observation Survey of Early Literary Achievement (Clay M. M. 2002, 2006).