
How much is a totem pole worth?

How much is a totem pole worth?

On average, a totem pole costs up to $3,000 per linear foot, not including the cost of the log.

What totem pole images did the Tlingit tribe use?

Huge screens, used to divide the living quarters within a house, were ornately carved, often with a family or clan crest. Traditional totem poles depict crest figures such as animals, people, natural forms, or supernatural beings that identify a family’s history or tell important stories.

Why do the Tlingit use totem poles?

Traditional totem poles depict crest figures such as animals, people, natural forms, or supernatural beings that identify a family’s history or tell important stories. They were raised for many reasons: to dedicate a new house, commemorate a marriage, honor the deceased, or celebrate a special event.

Which Indian tribe made totem poles?

Totem Poles were not created by all Native Indian tribes and their production was limited to six Northwest Indian tribes located in the Pacific Northwest Coast in British Columbia and southeastern Alaska. The names of the Northwest Tribes which carved Totem Poles were as follows: The Tlingit tribe. The Haida tribe.

What is tribe carved totem poles?


  • and the Pacific Northwest the totem pole often serves as an emblem of family ancestry.
  • Some poles record the history and legends of their tribe.
  • Others memorialize dead clan members and may contain their ashes.
  • What is tribal totem?

    Tribal Totem is a quest that involves the retrieval of an artefact sacred to the Rantuki tribe of Karamja, which has been taken from them by the nobleman Lord Handelmort.

    What is the totem pole of Alaska?

    Totem poles from Alaska are carved from cedar, which is rot-resistant and grows in the rainforests (yes, rainforests) in Southeast Alaska . The totem pole originated in the Pacific Northwest and Southeast Alaska.