
How many concerts are there in Orlando Florida?

How many concerts are there in Orlando Florida?

Find tickets to all live music, concerts, tour dates and festivals in and around Orlando. Currently there are 293 upcoming events.

How to promote an event in downtown Orlando?

Sign up for our events newsletter and be among the first to know about new downtown events. Do you have an upcoming event you’d like to promote? Send us the details and we’ll consider it for our calendar. Open the calendar popup. Open the calendar popup.

What to do in downtown Orlando, FL?

Downtown has so much to offer everyone, who lives, works and plays in Central Florida. Check out what’s going on in and around downtown Orlando. Want to keep your calendar current?

What kind of music do they play in Orlando?

Every year, we attract a broad range of talent from all over the world, including superstars from rock, country, Latin, EDM, R&B and just about every other genre imaginable.

Where can I Buy concert tickets in Orlando?

Amway Center and House Of Blues – Orlando both have plenty of concert events coming up. Tickets for all Orlando concerts are purchased with a 100% money back guarantee. Schedule for the concerts in Orlando is updated on a regular basis. These next concerts will be some of the most popular Orlando concerts on record.

Who are the concerts in Orlando in 2021?

Orlando Concerts 2021. Orlando, FL Concert Schedule and Calendar Time: 7:30 PM Time: 6:00 PM Featuring: Lil Durk Time: 8:00 PM Featuring: The Allman Betts Band Time: 7:30 PM Featuring: Jake Shimabukuro Time: 7:30 PM

What kind of events are there in Orlando?

Find theme park celebrations , sporting events , festivals , concerts , cultural happenings , outdoor festivities , consumer trade shows and even virtual experiences in Orlando with Visit Orlando’s Calendar of Events.

Are there any special events at Universal Orlando?

Universal Orlando Resort doesn’t stop short when it comes to hosting spectacular events. There’s always something special for any park-goer, ranging from a Universal concert schedule to a Universal Harry Potter celebration schedule, and much more in between.