
How long can you save okra seeds?

How long can you save okra seeds?

Storage and Viability. Store okra seeds in a cool, dark, and dry place protected from pests. When stored in these conditions, okra seeds will remain viable for 1-3 years.

Can you plant frozen okra seeds?

Seeds can be used again, again They can be dried and the pods placed in the freezer until the gardener is ready to use them, and the fun begins all over again. In fact, my mother would save okra seeds from year to year, and I am now planting okra from descendants of those same seeds.

Can you plant seeds from fresh okra?

ANSWER: Yes, fresh okra seeds can be used to grow new okra plants. Push the seeds down about a half inch into the soil and water them until the soil is moist, but not soggy. Plant two seeds into each pot. There is no need to cover the pots to germinate okra seeds.

Can you save hybrid okra seeds?

You shouldn’t save seed from hybrid vegetables because they won’t produce true in the next generation. The best plant of each type is then taken and self-pollinated (in isolation) each year and, each year, the seed is re-sown. Eventually, every time the seed is sown the same identical plants will appear.

Do you Soak okra seeds before planting?

Prior to planting, soak the okra seeds in water for 12 to 18 hours to soften its hard seed coat. Soaking aids moisture absorption and germination. Plant okra in the spring or early summer once the threat of frost has passed. Okra will grow in many soil types, so mulch and fertilize as needed.

How many okra will one plant produce?

How much okra can you get from one plant? If your okra plants have ideal conditions, they can produce 20 – 30+ pods per plant.

How do you germinate okra seeds quickly?

Okra is easy to grow but the seeds have a hard coat that can slow germination. To speed up the process, soak the seeds overnight in warm water before planting. Wrapping the seeds in moist paper towels also works well.

How can you tell if okra seeds are good?

Water test: Take your seeds and put them in a container of water. Let them sit for about 15 minutes. Then if the seeds sink, they are still viable; if they float, they most likely will not sprout.

What can you not plant near okra?

Don’t plant too close, as cucumbers also need a large amount of sun to ripen. Pepper plants will repel cabbage worms, which can be a destructive nuisance to okra plants. Melons can be a good okra companion; like cucumbers, they need ample sun and water, so be sure the okra won’t shade the plants too much.

What are the disadvantages of hybrid seeds?

Cons of Hybrid Seeds:

  • Takes a lot of time and money to create.
  • Can cost more to buy than other seeds.
  • Seeds from hybrid plants cannot be saved.
  • Some say the produce from hybrid plants is not as tasty.

What month do you plant okra?

For the best yields, plant okra in the spring 2 to 3 weeks after all danger of frost has passed. For a good fall crop, plant at least 3 months before the first fall frost. Plant the okra seeds about 1 inch deep and 2 inches apart in the row (Fig.

How do you preserve okra seeds?

Store the dried okra seeds in an airtight container. You can use a mason jar or a plastic container or baggie. Keep the seeds in a cool, dry place like a kitchen pantry or in the refrigerator. The dried seeds can be viable for up to 4 years; however many of the seeds do not last that long.

How do I save okra seeds for next year?

Put the dried okra seeds in an airtight container to store them. Keep the seeds in a cool, dry location such as a kitchen pantry or refrigerator until you are ready to plant them. The dried seeds may be stored for up to 4 years; however many of the seeds may lose their viability.

How to replant okra seeds?

How to Replant Okra Seeds Choosing Seed to Plant. If your goal is to have okra that flourishes in your climate, your best starting point is either seeds saved by a fellow gardener in your Plant the Okra Seed. Basics of Growing Okra From Seed. Harvesting and Storing Okra Seeds.

How do you grow okra from seeds?

Okra can grow from three to six feet tall. Choose a garden spot where its shade will not harm other sun loving plants. Sow the seeds one inch deep in rows that are three feet apart. The seeds generally germinate in two to 12 days. Okra will grow in many soil types, so mulch and fertilize as needed.