
How do we reposition dimensions solidworks?

How do we reposition dimensions solidworks?

To move or copy dimensions from one view to another view: Hold the Shift key (to move) or the Ctrl key (to copy) as you drag the dimensions into another view.

How do you stop a dimension from moving in Solidworks?

Go to Tools > Options > System Options > Drawings Uncheck Reduce spacing when dimensions are deleted or edited (add or change tolerances, text, etc.) If you prefer to leave that option checked, you can control the dimension spacing yourself.

Can you Auto dimension in Solidworks?

This could be done manually by adding dimensions and relations to each individual sketch entity or it can be done automatically using the Fully Define Sketch function. …

How do I fix dimension driven in Solidworks?

Potential Fixes

  1. Delete the over defining dimension in the graphics area.
  2. Right-click the over defining dimension in the graphics area and select Properties. Select Driven, then click OK.
  3. When you add a dimension that over defines a sketch, the Make Dimension Driven dialog box appears.

How do I check the size of a Solidworks file?

In your FeatureManager Tree, right-click on the Annotations folder and select Show Feature Dimensions. This will make all the dimensions from the features appear around the part in the design space.

How do I lock a dimension in Solidworks drawing?

To lock a dimension:

  1. In an open sketch, click Smart Dimension.
  2. Click the items to dimension.
  3. Move the pointer.
  4. Right-click to lock.
  5. Move the pointer around until the dimension is correctly located.
  6. Click to place the dimension.
  7. Set the value in the Modify box and click .

How do you dimension an angle in Autocad?


  1. Click Annotate tab Dimensions panel Dimension. Find.
  2. At the prompt, enter a (Angular).
  3. Select one of the following: An arc.
  4. Before specifying the dimension line location, you can edit or rotate the text.
  5. Click to place the dimension line.
  6. Repeat steps to continue dimensioning or press Enter to end dimensioning.

Why is my Solidworks drawing under defined?

In this tech tip we’ll answer the common question: Why is my SOLIDWORKS Sketch Pattern Under Defined? The reason is because the sketch instances can rotate. You could previously Fully Define the instances by adding a Horizontal or Vertical relation on one of the construction lines tied to the instances.

How do I change the smart dimension in Solidworks?

To change a dimension: Double-click a dimension. The Modify dialog box appears. Change the dimension value with the arrows, thumbwheel , mouse wheel, or by typing in the dimension box.

What is the difference between driven and driving dimensions?

The driving dimensions are the values that were directly input into BikeCAD. For example, head angle and seat angle can be directly specified through text fields in BikeCAD. The driven dimensions are calculated by BikeCAD. Driven dimensions will change as a result of changes to driving dimensions.

What is a driven or driving dimension in Solidworks?

Driving Dimension: the geometry is controlled by the dimension. Driven Dimension: the dimension is controlled by the geometry. Raoul.

How do I change units in SOLIDWORKS?

Go to Tools>Options>Document Properties>Units to change the units that are being used within the SOLIDWORKS design environment. There is also the units’ popup menu in the bottom right-hand corner of the SOLIDWORKS screen.

How do you move a dimension in SolidWorks?

Hold the Ctrl key as you select. Drag the handle nearest the dimension text. The dimension rotates in small intervals. You can move radial, diameter, or chamfer dimension leaders, or hole callout leaders among same-sized features in a drawing view.

How can I move a dimension from one view to another?

When you drag a dimension from one place to another, the dimension reattaches to the model, as appropriate. You can only move or copy dimensions to a view where the orientation is appropriate for that dimension. Drag the dimension to the new position. Select the dimension and drag and drop the arrowhead handle to another edge.

Where do I find dimensioning options in SolidWorks?

And like all parts in the design process, the quicker the better. SOLIDWORKS has designed a variety of methods that allow for quick and efficient dimensioning. Let’s first take a look at all of the dimensioning options. They are found on the far left of the Sketch tab on the CommandManager.

What’s the best way to move dimensions in Excel?

Select the dimension and drag and drop the arrowhead handle to another edge. This method works for radial, diameter, and chamfer dimensions only. Hold the Shift key as you drag the dimensions into another view. Hold the Ctrl key as you drag the dimensions into another view.