
How do I run Codeception unit tests?

How do I run Codeception unit tests?

Codeception uses PHPUnit as a backend for running its tests. Thus, any PHPUnit test can be added to a Codeception test suite and then executed….Unit Testing

  1. $this->assertEquals()
  2. $this->assertContains()
  3. $this->assertFalse()
  4. $this->assertTrue()
  5. $this->assertNull()
  6. $this->assertEmpty()

What is functional testing in PHP?

In functional testing, unlike running the application the traditional way, the PHP application does not stop after it has finished processing a request. Since all requests are run in one memory container, they are not isolated.

What is Codeception PHP?

Codeception is a multi-featured testing framework for PHP. It can handle unit, functional, and acceptance testing of web applications and it’s powered by the already very popular PHPUnit testing framework.

How do I run CodeceptJS?

Use CodeceptJS all-in-one installer to get CodeceptJS, a demo project, and Playwright. npx create-codeceptjs . After CodeceptJS is installed, try running demo tests using this commands: npm run codeceptjs:demo – executes demo tests in window mode.

What’s the difference between functional test and codeception?

Now that we’ve written some acceptance tests, functional tests are almost the same, with one major difference: Functional tests don’t require a web server. Under the hood, Codeception uses Symfony’s BrowserKit to “send” requests to your app.

When to use codeception in a concurrent test?

Codeception allows you to execute actions in concurrent sessions. The most obvious case for this is testing realtime messaging between users on a site. In order to do it, you will need to launch two browser windows at the same time for the same test.

Which is the best format for codeception in CEST?

Functional tests should be written inside Cest files, which is a scenario-driven test format of Codeception. You can easily create a new test by running:./vendor/bin/codecept g:cest functional MyNewScenarioCest Functional tests are really powerful and simple.

What kind of backend does codeception use?

Codeception uses PHPUnit as a backend for running its tests. Thus, any PHPUnit test can be added to a Codeception test suite and then executed. If you ever wrote a PHPUnit test then do it just as you did before. Codeception adds some nice helpers to simplify common tasks.