
How do I get rid of cabbage root fly?

How do I get rid of cabbage root fly?

Cabbage root fly control is best done with placing row covers over plants during the spring. This will keep the cabbage root fly from being able to lay their eggs at the base of the plants and stops the cycle. At this time, there are no effective cabbage root fly insecticides.

How do you make a cabbage root fly collar?

Cabbage collars are very easy to make. Simply cut circles or squares 10-15cm (4-6in) in diameter, make a slit to the middle then cut a Y-shape. Slip the collar around the stem of the plant. You might need to drench it with water so that it lies flat on the soil surface.

What to do about root flies on cabbage?

This then leads to wilting and the plants won’t recover when watered. There are no chemical controls for cabbage root fly. Place brassica discs or collars around stems when transplanting seedlings to prevent the adult female fly laying her eggs at the base of the stem.

What to do about white maggots on my Cabbage?

The white maggots can be very damaging as they eat the roots and stem base. This then leads to wilting and the plants won’t recover when watered. There are no chemical controls for cabbage root fly. Place brassica discs or collars around stems when transplanting seedlings to prevent the adult female fly laying her eggs at the base of the stem.

Can a cabbage root fly attack a turnip?

As well as cabbages it also attacks cauliflowers, romanesco etc but although it can, rarely goes for other brassicas like broccoli, calabrese and kale. It is also known as turnip fly so swedes and turnips are obviously at risk Plants affected by an attack will tend to wilt and droop, especially in hot weather.

Where does the cabbage maggot fly come from?

Cabbage maggots and cabbage maggot flies are most often seen in cool, wet weather and most commonly affect gardens in the north. The cabbage maggot feeds off the roots of cole crops like: The cabbage maggot is the larva of the cabbage maggot fly.