
Can you use siege as a verb?

Can you use siege as a verb?

verb (used with object), sieged, sieg·ing. to assail or assault; besiege.

What is under siege in Spanish?

under siege bajo asedio mst gt-Google Translate; mst-Microsoft Translate.

What does the word seige mean?

1. the act or process of surrounding and attacking a fortified place in such a way as to compel the surrender of the defenders. 2. any prolonged effort to overcome resistance.

What does segue mean in Spanish?


Principal Translations
Inglés Español
segue⇒ vi (transition smoothly) hacer una transición loc verb
The melody segues and builds to a crescendo.
segue n (smooth transition) transición nf Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla.

Is Sieging a word?

Is truely a word?

Truly is the only acceptable way to spell the adverbial form of the adjective true. Truely is not an alternative spelling; it’s a common mistake.

How is segue pronounced?

But as it turns out (pointed out very tactfully by a colleague), segue is pronounced “segway.” And segway is not actually a word at all, though I could have sworn it was, meaning the transition from one news segment to another, and not just a brand name for Gob Bluth’s preferred mode of transport.

What does Segway mean in English?

Segue is a verb that means “to move without stopping from one topic, song, etc., to another.” Segway, on the other hand, is a trademarked name for an electric transportation device. This segue was adopted into English from Italian, where segue means “there follows.”

Is Sieging a Scrabble word?

SIEGING is a valid scrabble word.

How is the word siege used in a sentence?

Use siege in a sentence. A medieval castle under siege by the enemy. noun. The definition of a siege is a military or police operation when an area is surrounded to get people to surrender, or a long period of bad luck or misfortune.

What was an example of a siege in medieval times?

A medieval castle under siege by the enemy. noun. The definition of a siege is a military or police operation when an area is surrounded to get people to surrender, or a long period of bad luck or misfortune. An example of a siege is when the police surround a building occupied with armed robbers and try to get the robbers to surrender.

What does it mean when a castle is under siege?

A medieval castle under siege by the enemy. The definition of a siege is a military or police operation when an area is surrounded to get people to surrender, or a long period of bad luck or misfortune.

What is the definition of laid siege to?

: to lay siege to : to attack militarily : besiege Insurgents rampaged through the countryside, sacked haciendas and mills, occupied small towns, and sieged the largest cities, Cusco and La Paz. — Sergio Serulnikov Noun The castle was built to withstand a siege. The city is in a state of siege.