
Can intermittent exotropia be cured in adults?

Can intermittent exotropia be cured in adults?

Exotropia is common and treatable, especially when diagnosed and corrected at a young age. By about 4 months of age, the eyes should be aligned and able to focus. If you notice misalignment after this point, have it checked out by an eye doctor.

What causes intermittent exotropia?

Intermittent exotropia is often associated with convergence insufficiency, a condition where the patient has adequate control of eye position when viewing at a distance, but a high exophoria (outward eye position) at near that may fatigue over time to become an exotropia.

Is exotropia neurological?

Phillips [11], reviewed the medical records of 29 patients who had intermittent exotropia with near deviation greater than distance deviation, and found a high prevalence of neurological disease, and postulated that this form of strabismus may be a ‘soft’ sign of underlying neurological impairment [11].

What happens if exotropia is left untreated?

Generally, exotropia progresses in frequency and duration. As the disorder progresses, the eyes start to turn out when looking at close objects as well as those in the distance. If left untreated, the eye may turn out continually, causing a loss of binocular vision or stereopsis.

What do you need to know about exotropia in adults?

Exotropia in Adults. This material will help you understand exotropia and how to manage it. What is exotropia? Exotropia is a type of eye misalignment (known as strabismus) that occurs when one or both of the eyes turn outward.

Can a person with intermittent exotropia have amblyopia?

A minority of patients with intermittent exotropia may have the monofixation syndrome and do not develop normal bifoveal fixation with high grade of stereopsis. A rare patient may even have a significant amblyopia.

What causes sudden onset exotropia in older adults?

Acute: Sudden onset exotropia usually in older adults with an underlying disease process such as cranial nerve problems or thyroid disorders. It can also be caused by trauma to the eye muscles or orbit. Consecutive: Occurs after strabismus corrective surgery (to correct esotropia). It can develop shortly after surgery or may develop years later.

How old do you have to be to have intermittent exotropia?

In a series of 472 patients with intermittent exotropia, the deviation was present at birth in 204 and appeared in 16 at 6 months of age and in 72 between 6-12 months of age (9). In only 24 of the patients exotropia develop after 5 years of age.