
Can I cancel my Jet2 flights and get a refund?

Can I cancel my Jet2 flights and get a refund?

You can cancel your flight at Manage My Booking but all scheduled flights are non-refundable. If we cancel your flights and can’t offer a suitable alternative, we’ll give you a full refund.

How much is it to cancel a holiday with Jet2?

Cancelling your holiday

Time before departure Total booking cost charged by Jet2Holidays
56-43 days 50%
42-29 days 70%
28-15 days 90%
14 days or less 100%

Can you change holiday dates once booked Jet2 holidays?

We do not allow destination changes. Any request for changes to be made must be in writing from the lead name or your travel agent.

Can I cancel a flight with Jet2?

Travellers have hit out at Jet2, claiming their flights were cancelled with no reasoning for the decision. Dozens of customers have taken to social media to share their disappointment, with some saying they’ve been offered no refund for the airline’s cancellation, or that their assured refunds aren’t forthcoming.

When to pay for Jet2 group bookings? Makes it Easier for Group Bookings with Brand New Number! With the group booking service you can pay a low deposit of £25 per person with the full balance due 8 weeks prior to departure and free name changes up to 2 weeks before departure!

What are the terms and conditions for Jet2 flights?

All flights are subject to the standard Jet2.comterms and conditions, and all other terms and conditions as per the Jet2.comwebsite apply. Jet2.comreserves the right to amend or remove this promotion at any time prior to customer booking.

How can I book a flight with Jet2?

You can make a booking online via our website, through our Call Centre, at our airport sales desks, or at your local travel agent. If your booking is for 10 people or more, you can book with just a £30 deposit per person. Please visit our Groups page or call us on 0800 408 0779.

How big of a group can I book with Jet2?

We’d love to let you continue. We make flying friendly for groups of 10 or more! With our low deposit, part payments and free name changes, it’s so easy to fly away together. Plus, our award-winning Groups team will look after every aspect of your trip all on one simple booking.