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What temperature is too low for a toddler?

What temperature is too low for a toddler?

They can lose heat quickly. It’s important to keep them warm. A temperature below 97 F is considered too low for babies.

What should a 1 year olds body temperature be?

Babies and children. In babies and children, the average body temperature ranges from 97.9°F (36.6°C) to 99°F (37.2°C).

Should I be concerned if my child temperature is low?

If a low body temperature is your child’s only symptom, it is not something to worry about. If a low body temperature occurs with other symptoms, such as chills, shaking, breathing problems, or confusion, then this may be a sign of more serious illness.

Can a low temperature mean you are sick?

Low body temperature and illness. Certain illnesses, or incorrect temperature readings, could factor into why your thermometer reads 96°F (35.55°C), but you feel sick. Low body temperature could also be a symptom of a serious illness like hypothermia or sepsis, but you’d likely have severe symptoms.

Can a child have a low body temp?

Some kids, especially those with neurological issues can experience low body temperatures as a recurring symptom. They may have normal temperature in the day, but it routinely drops every night.

When is body temperature too low for an older person?

Also, they should pay extra attention to fevers. A fever of 99° F, which doesn’t sound high, can be serious in an older person whose normal baseline temperature is below 97° F. As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of last review or update on all articles.

What’s the normal temp for a child with a fever?

We define a fever as a temperature over 100.4 F (38.0 C). Normal body temperature is 98.6 F (37 C). Everyone’s body temperature varies throughout the day and can differ by age, activity level and other factors. Don’t be alarmed if your child’s temperature varies.

What’s the normal temp for a 3 month old?

Temperatures of up to 102.5 F if your child is 3 months to 3 years of age, or up to 103 F if your child is older. These temperatures can be common, but not necessarily worrisome.