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What is the structure of Casey at the bat?

What is the structure of Casey at the bat?

The poem follows a simple AABB format where each verse has four lines. The last word in the first two lines of the verse rhyme with each other, and the last words in the last two lines of the verse also rhyme.

What type of poetry is Casey at the bat?

Ballad of the Republic
“Casey at the Bat: A Ballad of the Republic, Sung in the Year 1888” is a poem written in 1888 by Ernest Thayer. It was first published anonymously in The San Francisco Examiner (then called The Daily Examiner) on June 3, 1888, under the pen name “Phin”, based on Thayer’s college nickname, “Phinney”.

What is the AABB rhyme scheme?

Collection of poems where the ending words of first two lines (A) rhyme with each other and the ending words of the last two lines (B) rhyme with each other (AABB rhyme scheme).

What is the point of Casey at the bat?

The poem tells the story of the final half-inning of a baseball game. In the poem, Mighty Casey gets two pitches right down the middle of the plate, but he passes them up, waiting for an even better pitch to hit. The crowd is in a frenzy because one more strike means that Casey is out and the game is over.

What kind of rhyme scheme does Casey at the bat follow?

These quatrains follow a simple rhyme scheme of AABB CCDD, and so on, changing end sounds from stanza to stanza. The lines, upon first glance, are obviously quite long, especially for poetry.

Who was at the bat in the bat poem?

For there seemed but little chance of Casey getting to the bat. There was Jimmy safe at second and Flynn a-hugging third. For Casey, mighty Casey, was advancing to the bat. There was pride in Casey’s bearing and a smile lit Casey’s face.

When was Casey at the bat sheet music published?

Sheet music was published by G. Schirmer in 1920 as part of Six Cheerful Songs to Poems of American Humor. William Schuman composed an opera, The Mighty Casey (1953), based on the poem. The song No Joy in Mudville from Death Cab for Cutie’s album We Have the Facts and We’re Voting Yes directly references the poem.

Why did Ernest Lawrence Thayer write Casey at the bat?

The latter was “a cake,” Thayer says. This is a player who has dubious or uncertain skills. By using these slang words, which would only be recognizable by those who know the game well, Thayer is making it clear that he has a specific audience in mind: baseball lovers and/or players.