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What is the history of the Iroquois?

What is the history of the Iroquois?

The Iroquois originally lived near Lake Ontario and along the Mohawk River in New York State. By 1650, the Iroquois began to push their way into the rich Ohio Country between the Great Lakes and the Ohio River. They conquered and drove out various groups of Native Americans living in the area.

What is one fact about the Iroquois tribe?

Interesting Iroquois Facts: Iroquois sustained themselves through hunting, gathering, fishing, and farming. Women were responsible for the crops. They managed the growth and harvest of crops, and settlements moved every 10 to 30 years due to soil losing its nutrients.

What were the Iroquois known for?

The Iroquoi Tribes, also known as the Haudenosuanee, are known for many things. But they are best known for their longhouses. Iroquois society was matrilineal; when a marriage transpired, the family moved into the longhouse of the mother, and family lineage was traced from her.

What did the Iroquois invent?

The Iroquois invented the Longhouse, which was a sizable, somewhat rectangular building.

What made the Iroquois unique?

Due to their practice of adopting prisoners of war, any racial distinction between each tribe or between themselves and the Algonquins was virtually nonexistent. It was the strong sense of identity that was provided through wampum belts, ceremonial chants, daily customs, and oral historical tradition, that made the Iroquois unique.

What was the tradition of the Iroquois?

The elaborate religious cosmology of the Iroquois was based on an origin tradition in which a woman fell from the sky; other parts of the religious tradition featured deluge and earth-diver motifs, supernatural aggression and cruelty, sorcery, torture, cannibalism, star myths, and journeys to the otherworld.

What family did the Iroquois have?

The longhouse family was the basic unit of traditional Iroquois society, which used a nested form of social organization: households (each representing a lineage) were divisions of clans, several clans constituted each moiety, and the two moieties combined to create a tribe.

What are facts about Iroquois?

Iroquois Culture Facts Some common crafts include bead jewelry, porcupine quillwork, clay pipes, and the making of wampum out of beads both for trade and for art. As a musical instrument, rattles were made out of deer toes and hide but the most important instruments are the drums and the flute. The Iroquois are very well known for their masks.