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What is the best click fraud protection?

What is the best click fraud protection?

Best Click Fraud Protection Software

  • ClickGUARD.
  • ClickCease.
  • PPC Protect.
  • ClixTell.
  • AdWary.

What is an example of click fraud?

One example of click fraud is ad fraud: when a website operator drives fraudulent clicks on PPC display ads on their own website. Click fraud perpetrators can set up webpages that display PPC ads, and then use click bots to “click” on those ads. Ad fraud can also be a financial attack on the company paying for the ads.

What percentage of clicks are fraud?

Industry Click Fraud Statistics Around 30.46% of all clicks in the education sector are fraudulent. (University of Baltimore, 2019) The global eCommerce sector is expected to lose $3.8 billion due to invalid clicks by the end of 2020.

How do you identify click fraud?

How to Identify Click Fraud on Your Pay-Per-Click Ads

  1. Unusual peaks in impressions (number of times your ad shows on a search results page)
  2. Unusual peaks in the number of clicks.
  3. No increase in the number of conversions during peaks in impressions or clicks.

Which is the best click fraud protection software?

Competitors and bots can click on your ads and waste your advertising budget. ClickCease™ Google Ads click fraud protection software will exclude invalid IPs and block fake clicks.

How much money is wasted by click fraud?

Click fraud will waste 20% of PPC advertisers budget in 2020. Competitors and bots can click on your ads and waste your advertising budget. ClickCease™ Google Ads click fraud protection software will exclude invalid IPs and block fake clicks. This will boost your campaigns and allow you to acquire more customers.

Is there a way to detect click fraud?

It’s incredibly difficult to catch all forms click fraud and other abusive behaviour online. There are financial incentives for fraudsters and ad networks, with the advertiser being left to foot the bill. Using tools like Cloudflare or ReCaptcha, or Linkly’s own ReCaptcha integration, can help reduce click fraud overall.

How does click fraud protection help Google Ads?

ClickCease™ Google Ads click fraud protection software will exclude invalid IPs and block fake clicks. This will boost your campaigns and allow you to acquire more customers. Click fraud will waste 20% of PPC advertisers budget in 2020. Competitors and bots can click on your ads and waste your advertising budget.