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What is non imaging assay?

What is non imaging assay?

The most commonly used nuclear medicine non-imaging test is the measurement of glomerular filtration rate (51Cr-GFR) for patients with potential renal failure. This monitors renal function during chemotherapy or in potential kidney transplant donors.

Is nuclear medicine considered imaging?

Nuclear medicine imaging is a method of producing images by detecting radiation from different parts of the body after a radioactive tracer is given to the patient. The images are digitally generated on a computer and transferred to a nuclear medicine physician, who interprets the images to make a diagnosis.

What are the types of nuclear medicine scanners?

Some of the nuclear medicine scans most commonly used for cancer (described in more detail further on) are:

  • Bone scans.
  • PET (positron emission tomography) scans.
  • Thyroid scans.
  • MUGA (multigated acquisition) scans.
  • Gallium scans.

What is the difference between nuclear medicine and molecular imaging?

Nuclear medicine can also be used to treat certain types of cancer and other diseases. Molecular imaging offers unique insights into the human body that enable physicians to personalize patient care.

What kind of imaging is used in nuclear medicine?

Specially designed cameras allow doctors to track the path of these radioactive tracers. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography or SPECT and Positron Emission Tomography or PET scans are the two most common imaging modalities in nuclear medicine.

How are radioactive tracers tracked in nuclear medicine?

Specially designed cameras allow doctors to track the path of these radioactive tracers. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography or SPECT and Positron Emission Tomography or PET scans are the two most common imaging modalities in nuclear medicine. What are radioactive tracers?

What does NIBIB have to do with nuclear medicine?

NIBIB is currently supporting research to develop a new family of PET imaging contrast agents that are taken up specifically by bacterial cells, but not human cells.

How are nuclear medicine researchers advancing nuclear medicine?

Like radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians are strongly committed to keeping radiation exposure to patients as low as possible, giving the least amount of radiotracer needed to provide a diagnostically useful examination. How are NIBIB-funded researchers advancing nuclear medicine?