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What is DEA Csos?

What is DEA Csos?

DEA’s Controlled Substance Ordering System (CSOS) allows for secure electronic transmission of Schedule I-V controlled substance orders without the supporting paper Form 222.

How long does it take to get Csos?

The CSOS Registration Authority typically processes complete application packages within 7-10 business days. Please note that incomplete applications will take longer to process. Mailed application packages take at least one week and often as long as two weeks to be received by the CSOS Registration Authority.

Is Csos only for Schedule 2?

About CSOS Ordering Freedom: CSOS transactions are the only allowance for electronic ordering of Schedule I and II controlled substances, but may also be used for Schedule III-V substances.

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How long do passwords have to be for DEA retrieval?

According to the DEA retrieval instructions, “ The password should be at least 8 characters long, should include at least one number, and must be known only by the Certificate owner. ” Step r18) Now you can click the “ OK ” button. Step r19) You will see the Potential Scripting Violation box below. Click the “ Yes ” button.

What makes Deacom different from other ERP software?

Deacom offers a different approach to ERP software. By providing all of the required ERP functionality within one platform, DEACOM avoids the customizations, bolt-ons, and workarounds that plague traditional ERP implementations.