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What is batch debugging?

What is batch debugging?

Debugging batch jobs that are submitted to a job queue Using a separate job to debug another batch job submitted to the job queue allows you to put the batch job into debug mode and to set breakpoints and traces before the job starts to process.

How to debug batch job?

Debugging ILE Programs Submitted in Batch to a Job Queue

  1. Compile program modules using the DBGVIEW(*ALL) parameter.
  2. Submit the program to run in batch:
  3. Start the service job:
  4. Start the debugger:
  5. Run the following command:
  6. Exit from debug mode by issuing an ENDDBG command.

What is batch debugging in as400?

To debug in batch mode, just follow these instruction step by step: Submit your program to batch. STRSRVJOB on the held batch job. STRDBG on your program. Specify UPDPROD(*YES) if needed.

How to debug a job in as400?

The following steps allow you to debug a running job: Use the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command to find the job that is running. When the display appears, enter option 5 next to the job to obtain the qualified job name. Enter the Start Debug (STRDBG) command.

Do you need a user ID for strsrvjob?

Note that the SBMJOB command gives you an informational message with the job name/number. You need the job name, user ID and job number – the fully qualified job name. STRSRVJOB on the held batch job. STRDBG on your program. Specify UPDPROD (*YES) if needed.

What does start debug ( strdbg ) command do?

The Start Debug (STRDBG) command puts a job into debug mode and, optionally, adds as many as 20 programs and 20 service programs and 20 class files to debug mode. It also specifies certain attributes of the debugging session. For example, it can specify whether database files in production libraries can be updated while in debug mode.

How to start and debug a batch job?

Press Enter to start the job or F10 to enter debug commands for that job. F12-CANCEL F3-EXIT (9) DEBUGGING WILL START AND PROGRAM WILL EXCUTE.

How to start debugging batch job in go4as400?

Start Serviced Job System: SYS00441 Job: ABATCHD User: A07OPER Number: 300129 The serviced job has been released from the job queue. Press Enter to start the job or F10 to enter debug commands for that job. F12-CANCEL F3-EXIT (9) DEBUGGING WILL START AND PROGRAM WILL EXCUTE.