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What is a Venezuelan prison like?

What is a Venezuelan prison like?

Overcrowded, understaffed, physically deteriorated, and rife with weapons, drugs and gangs, Venezuela’s prisons have a deservedly poor reputation.

What is a Helicoide?

1 : forming or arranged in a spiral. 2 : having the form of a flat coil or flattened spiral helicoid snail shell.

How many people are in prison in Venezuela?


Prison population total (including pre-trial detainees / remand prisoners) 43 992 at 2019 (Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones; this total does not include those held in police station jails.)
Foreign prisoners (percentage of prison population) 2.2% (2019)

Does Venezuela have prisons?

The country has 34 prisons but only seven are controlled by the authorities; the rest are ruled by the inmates. Gang violence is rampant in Venezuelan prisons: 591 inmates were killed in 2012, and even more in 2013, according to the Venezuelan Prisons Observatory.

Where are the prisoners locked up in Venezuela?

A group of prisoners locked in their cells inside the municipal police station of Chacao, east of Caracas, Venezuela, May 27, 2016. I nside the lockup of the Chacao district police station in eastern Caracas, a mass of prisoners stand shirtless against each other, struggling to breathe amid seething heat and the smell of sweat and feces.

Where is El Helicoide prison located in Venezuela?

Crisis in Venezuela. El Helicoide is a building in Caracas, Venezuela owned by the Venezuelan government and used as a facility and prison for both regular and political prisoners of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN).

Who are the American oil executives imprisoned in Venezuela?

AP Prison has been “hell on earth” for six American oil executives swept up in a bogus corruption case in Venezuela, a brother to two of the men told The Post Friday, a day after they were sentenced. Already, his brothers have been imprisoned for three years, Alirio Jose Zambrano told The Post, speaking by phone from his home in Mountain Lakes, NJ.

Who was the American spy that was jailed in Venezuela?

WASHINGTON — Joshua Holt, who traveled to Venezuela from Utah in 2016 to marry a Spanish-speaking Mormon woman but soon found himself jailed and later branded the CIA’s top spy in Latin America, has been set free by the anti-American Maduro government. He says he was “overwhelmed with gratitude.”.