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What is a concrete haunch?

What is a concrete haunch?

Definition. Haunch. An extension, knee like protrusion of the foundation wall that a concrete porch or patio will rest upon for support.

What is haunch footing?

Haunch footing—a footing used for above grade concrete slabs (these are found usually in garages and house slabs)

How do I know if my concrete slab is sinking?

How to Identify Sunken Concrete

  1. Sunken Concrete Sign No. The Floor Drops. If one side of your concrete floor has sunk deeper than the other, it may cause the floor to slant.
  2. Sunken Concrete Sign No. The Floor Bows.
  3. Sunken Concrete Sign No. Gaps Under Skirting Boards.

Do concrete slabs settle?

When the soil underneath a concrete slab becomes compacted, dries and shrinks, or is washed out, concrete slabs can begin to settle and sink because of the empty space below the slab. The cement slabs will eventually crack, break, and settle, becoming uneven with surrounding slabs.

What are the parts of a concrete Haunch?

The haunch assembly includes a concrete haunch having an upper portion, a center portion and a lower portion. The upper portion of the haunch includes a flat top surface adapted for receiving a portion of a pre-cast concrete slab, stairs, stoops, poured in place concrete slab or other building structure thereon.

What can a Haunch Assembly be used for?

One or more of the haunches are used for supporting poured in place horizontal concrete slabs, stairs, stoops, pre-cast concrete slabs and similar structures.

Do you have to Grade A concrete slab with a Haunch?

The haunch is great structurally but a pain in terms of grading. You need to grade the site to slab depth, then scratch out around the perimeter. Then you need to fit the insulation (if you have that) and match/seal the cuts of the slope for the haunch.

What are the disadvantages of a Haunch turndown concrete slab?

If the slab is enclosed by foundation element, the dowel in should be kept to a minimum, and can be achieved through a few pre-installed bars/hair pins from the perimeter element, though the form worker does not like it. One disadvantage of a haunch/turndown is that it resists the slab’s desire to shrink, which increases the likelihood of cracking.