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What does Flash mean in MRI?

What does Flash mean in MRI?

Fast low angle shot magnetic resonance imaging (FLASH MRI) is a particular sequence of magnetic resonance imaging.

What is a haste MRI?

HASTE is an echo-planar fast spin echo sequence trademarked by Siemens. The expanded acronym fairly completely describes what it entails: Half-Fourier Acquisition Single-shot Turbo spin Echo imaging.

What is spoiled gradient echo?

Spoiled gradient echo MRI (also known as incoherent gradient echo) is an MRI technique which destroys residual transverse magnetization at the end of each excitation cycle.

How is the flash technique used in MRI?

The generic FLASH technique emerges as a gradient echo sequence which combines a low-flip angle radio-frequency excitation of the NMR signal (recorded as a spatially encoded gradient echo) with a rapid repetition of the basic sequence.

How are mprange sequences used in 3D MRI?

Only one segment or partition of a 3D data record is obtained per preparatory pulse. After the signal acquisition all the rows within a 3D partition use delay time TD. The delay time is necessary to prevent saturation effects. MPRANGE sequences are commonly used for high resolution 3D isotropic brain imaging.

How is a fast low angle shot used in MRI?

Fast low angle shot (FLASH) is the most commonly used gradient spoiled gradient-echo MRI-sequence in abdominal imaging. FLASH uses radio frequency excitation pulses with a low flip angle (less than 90 degrees) and subsequent reading gradient reversal for producing a gradient echo signal. MRI image appearance

What’s the difference between a vibe and a FLASH MRI?

Fluids normally appear as dark on a FLASH image. VIBE and FLASH sequences look similar, the only noticeable difference is FLASH sequences have low SNR compare to VIBE (i.e. VIBE is brighter than FLASH). FLASH axial sequence used in uncooperative patients brain imaging