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How do you put high school on your resume?

How do you put high school on your resume?

For the high school section of your resume, include the full name, the town of your high school, and the expected graduation date. Include your GPA if it’s a 3.0 or above and then make sure to highlight any special courses you take; AP, Honors, and Dual Credit are all great to document.

Should you include your high school on your resume?

If you are a high school student, college student, fresh graduate with no work experience, or if your high school diploma is your highest education, you should definitely add your high school education to your resume. Once you gain any other form of higher education, you should take your high school off your resume.

What skills do high school students need?

Top 10 Skills for High-School StudentsTime Management.Good Study Habits.The Ability to Set Attainable Goals.Concentration.Good Note-Taking.Completion of Assignments.Review of Daily Notes.Organizational Skills.