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How do I read my Kindle books from iTunes?

How do I read my Kindle books from iTunes?

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to transfer these digital books. Both Apple and Amazon prefer to lock their customers into their ‘environment’ via the music, books and videos you download. So Apple-branded iBooks aren’t in a format that can be read on a Kindle – they can only be read on an Apple device.

How do I add Kindle books to iTunes?

In iTunes, click the iPhone or iPad icon from the upper left section, go to Settings > Apps. Scroll down to the File Sharing section, choose Kindle app from the app list to open the Kindle Documents folder in iTunes. See below screenshot.

How do I get my books to show up in iTunes?

First, you’ll see in iTunes a Books library in the program’s sidebar. (If you don’t see it, choose iTunes -> Preferences, click the General icon, and check the box next to Books in the Show section.)

Can I read my Kindle books on my iPhone?

Because the Kindle app is available for the iPhone, you can use your phone to buy and read Kindle books. You can’t buy Kindle books on your iPhone using the Kindle or Amazon apps, though. You’ll need to log into Amazon using the Safari app on your phone (or a browser on your computer).

How to read iTunes books on Kindle-convert iTunes Books?

Click the “Add books” at the top left cornet to import the EPUB eBooks which you have transferred from iTunes to Mac computer. Step 3: Calibre is able to convert both to and from many popular e-book formats, including the major ones used by most e-book readers. To read iTunes books on Kindle, we need to choose “MOBI” format for Kindle.

How can I download an ebook on iTunes?

Open iTunes. Select the target ebook. Choose File. Choose Get Info. Look at the “Media Kind” field. If it says “book,” it is a web download. If it says “purchased book,” it’s a DRM free iBook purchase/download. If it says “protected book,” it has a DRM attached.

How can I Read My Kindle books on my iPhone?

Launch Any eBook Converter, the program will automatically recognize your existent books (synced via Kindle for PC/Mac). Drag the books you want to read on iPad/iPhone to the program, which will get rid of the DRM of the books soon. Step 2. Convert Kindle Books to EPUB Format

How can I import my Kindle books to my computer?

The Kindle app support the iTunes File Sharing, all your books will be saved in its Documents folder. This makes the books import and export to or from Kindle app very easy. Run iTunes on your PC or Mac. We will use iTunes on a Windows 10 computer in this demo. Then connect your iPhone or iPad to computer via USB.