Popular tips

How do I add a line in work?

How do I add a line in work?

Insert a lineOn the Insert tab, select Shapes.Under Lines, select any line style you like.Select a location in the document, hold and drag your pointer to a different location, and then release the mouse button.

How do I add a horizontal line to a footer in Word 2013?

Edit the Footer.Select Insert > Shape > Line > Line (yes, you select Line again from a submenu).Use your mouse to drag the cursor and draw a horizontal line. To keep the line level, hold the Shift key as you do.

How do I type a vertical line in Windows?

Press the key <>| and Alt and Strg key together. It works! You see, there is already the vertical line sign on the double arrow key if you notice clearly.

How do I make the vertical line on my HP keyboard?

You can type a straight vertical line, or “|,” on most modern keyboards dating back to some of the 1980s IBM PCs. It’s generally found above the backslash, so you can type a “|” by holding down the shift key and hitting the “” key.

Where is the vertical line on a keyboard?

Alternatively referred to as a vertical bar, the pipe is a computer keyboard key “|” is a vertical line, sometimes depicted with a gap. This symbol is found on the same United States QWERTY keyboard key as the backslash key.

How do you type a vertical line on an Iphone?

Question: Q: Shortcut key for a vertical line Unless you have some non-standard keyboard, shift \ gives you the | vertical line.

What causes vertical lines on phone screen?

Watching your mobile screen with those white or black vertical/horizontal lines is annoying, to say the least. Typically, this issue is associated with the LCD, caused by a faulty hardware component in your device due to some accidental fall or water damage – and can only be sorted at a phone repair center.

How do you insert a vertical line in pages?

Click the line or paragraph (or select multiple paragraphs) where you want to add the border or rule. In the Format sidebar, click the Layout button near the top. Click the pop-up menu next to Borders & Rules, then choose a line type (solid, dashed, or dotted). Set where the line appears: Click a position button.

What causes vertical lines on iPhone?

Most of the time, lines on your iPhone screen is the result of a hardware problem. It can occur when you drop your iPhone on a hard surface, or if your iPhone gets exposed to liquids. Vertical lines on the display of your iPhone is typically an indicator that the LCD cable is no longer connected to the logic board.